Friday, September 6, 2013

Ayo Ni O Customised Email:

Want a customised Email for your fellowship or self? Hope to connect with other members around the globe? Wish you can get to render paid service to members? Well, you have a chance.

For a token, we will set you up with a mail to communicate with the CSM Worldwide membership. You must belong to e recognised fold and be registered with an approved branch. You must respect the code of conduct and not be involved in any business that can bring the name to disrepute.

You get to attend free online seminar, free business advert and church advert on our website and blog, all expense paid trips for our Business Meetings, discount for our Conferences. Its a ship that you can resist.

Benefit from the fold by filling our form on to Register. Registration is free. We charge you per year to maintain the system and widen our reach.

Ayo ni o . . . ayo ni tiwa.